
The .SHOP top level domain name is close opening up and it could be a great name for ecommerce and online sales. The real question is "Is it right for You and your company? Read on to find out. Read more...

  Created: June 21, 2016
Topics: Discussion 

We talk with Ed Katz, creator of Mat-a-Door about what it takes to apply, receive and protect a patent. Read more...

  Created: May 5, 2016
Topics: Discussion 

Have a big race soon and want to share it with your friends on Facebook? A great way is to turn your profile picture to your race number. Our race number generator makes it super easy. Read more...

  Created: September 16, 2015
Topics: Discussion 

I know you might be wondering what is a BMX post doing on a web design blog. Well I am interested in getting a BMX bike to ride with my kids. Read more...

  Created: December 18, 2013
Topics: Discussion 

We are big Apple fans. Our work stations are Mac Pros. Here is our dilemma. Read more...

  Created: March 8, 2013
Topics: Discussion 

On October 1st, Georgia is going to start collecting sales tax from Amazon. This is due to the fact their are Amazon Affiliates in Georgia. Read more...

  Created: September 1, 2012
Topics: Discussion 

OnlineBackupSearch.com - Find the best company and plan for your backing up your data online!

Finding your ideal Online Backup Company and Plan should be easy right? It can actually be more of a hassle than one would expect. Read more...

  Created: April 7, 2011
Topics: Discussion 

For those of you who are interested in Excellent Hosting at great prices. 

HostGator is having a 80% off sale on Black Friday.

Learn more about the

HostGator Black Friday Sale


  Created: November 24, 2010
Topics: Discussion 

Google Wave is not SEO or web design exaclty but it is a cool new product that will help friends and teams collaborate.


  Created: June 5, 2009
Topics: Discussion 

Recently I was asked about making a decent living at affiliate and search engine marketing. Can it be done? 

The short answer is: Yes, money can be made at affiliate marketing, be prepared for the long haul and lots of work. Read more...

  Created: January 14, 2009
Topics: Discussion 

Atlanta Intown Web Design specializes Joomla based websites.  We have been working with the Joomla project since Joomla's begining. Read more...

  Created: June 12, 2004
Topics: Discussion 

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