
JReviews gives you a lot of control when it comes to RSS feeds.  You can get feeds for:

  • All Product Listings
  • All Product Listing from a single directory
  • All Product Reviews
  • All Reviews for one Product
  • Any Result Page or Click2Search Page

This article was created using Joomla 2.5 and JReviews


  Created: June 5, 2012
Topics: JReviews 

One of our review sites had serveral products that were no longer being produced but the reviews still brought in a lot of organic search traffic.  We wanted to keep the products on the site but did not want them cluttering the list pages and confusing visitors. Read more...

  Created: June 1, 2012
Topics: JReviews 

Use these code snippets in your JReviews theme files to get the look you want.

Note: I am waiting on confirmation from ReviewsforJoomla regarding accuracy. Read more...

  Created: March 22, 2011
Topics: JReviews 

JReviews has a very cool feature that allows the automatic publication of reviews to twitter. If you have unmoderated reviews, you can enter you twitter information, bit.ly information and check the publish to twitter box. Read more...

  Created: August 3, 2010
Topics: JReviews 

Recently I had a site that does not have that many quality editor reviews making the user reviews more helpful.  On this site I used the hReview-aggregate standard. Read more...

  Created: March 9, 2010
Topics: JReviews 

In May of 2009, Google announced the inclusion of Rich Shippets in their result pages.  You may have seen stars displaying in the Google search results, these stars are due to the addition of microformatting code to the page. Read more...

  Created: August 27, 2009
Topics: JReviews 

I recently received some good questions about jReviews and earning money from web advertising. I have posted the reply so that others could learn. Read more...

  Created: October 11, 2008
Topics: JReviews 

It is my opinion that jReviews is the best review extension and sh404SEF is the best SEF component.  However they do not always work the best together. Read more...

  Created: March 7, 2008
Topics: JReviews 

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