How to exclude listings from JReviews Lists

One of our review sites had serveral products that were no longer being produced but the reviews still brought in a lot of organic search traffic.  We wanted to keep the products on the site but did not want them cluttering the list pages and confusing visitors.

Steven Johnson
by | Posted: June 1, 2012 | Updated: April 1, 2014
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Like with most things in JReviews they already had the solution worked out we just needed to set it up correctly.

Steps to Remove the Listings from the Lists pages

Go to the menu item for your list page.

In the menu item screen you will see the configuration options on the right side of the page:


  1. Set the list type to Custom
  2. Select the directory and category
  3. Enter this text to the "Custom WHERE" field: NOT IN (1,2,3)
    where 1,2,3 are the article ids you would like to exclude.

Clear the JReviews cache (if you have it enabled) are reload the page on the front end.

The listing IDs you excluded are no longer present on that page but are still published on your website.

Hope this helps! -- Let me know if you have any questions


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