Complete Guide to JReviews RSS Feeds

JReviews gives you a lot of control when it comes to RSS feeds.  You can get feeds for:

  • All Product Listings
  • All Product Listing from a single directory
  • All Product Reviews
  • All Reviews for one Product
  • Any Result Page or Click2Search Page

This article was created using Joomla 2.5 and JReviews

Steven Johnson
by | Posted: June 5, 2012 |
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We created this is a guide on how to work with RSS in JReviews so that all of the infromation is in one place.  Here we choose to focus on the different feeds rather than how to set them up in JReviews.  For this task check the JReviews docs.

Official JReviews RSS Feed Resources

A few notes about JReviews RSS Feeds

In JReviews > Configuration > RSS you have the ability to turn on or off the feeds.  All this does is publish or unpublish the RSS feed icons.

Default JReviews Feeds:

Listing RSS Feeds

All Product Listings

All Product Listings from a single JReviews directory

Take the above URL and add &dir=X where X is the directory id.  This will limit the results to a specific JReviews Directory.  Example:

Note: Not entirely sure that this will work


Reviews RSS Feeds

Editor & User Reviews from all listings

Editor & User Reviews from a single listing



Results or Click2Search Page RSS Feeds

You can change any results or click2search page to a rss feed by appending the /action:xml/ parameter to the url:

This is a click2search field rss:

And a similar results page with two custom fields:


How to Edit how the RSS Feed Displays

It seems that the Reviews RSS feed does not have any formatting so it might be nice to add the < p > tags and other html elements into the feed.

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