Paper Shredder Reviews now Joomla 1.5

Paper Shredder Reviews has completed a double upgrade.  Intown Web Design took the site from Joomla 1.0 and jReviews 1.2 to Joomla 1.5 and jReviews 2.0.  We have seen big improvements in features traffic and conversions.

Steven Johnson
by | Posted: June 30, 2009 |
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Visit: Paper Shredder Reviews

Paper Shredder Reviews is dedictated to helping those looking for the best paper shredders.  The site allows visitors to read and leave reviews on all paper shredders.The site is supported and monitized by Google Adwords and Amazon product links.

The migration was clean with out many suprises. One of the keys to a sucessful migration is to plan the steps out and give the project plenty of time. 

We paid the most attention to keeping the URL structure the same. This attention to detail kept the site from experiencing a 20% to 50% drop in traffic.  The detailed transition allowed us to maintain the traffic levels and actually increase our daily visits.

Paper Shredder Reviews Uses

  • Joomla 1.5
  • Bolt for the template
  • jReviews for the review extension
  • sh404SEF for the URLs and meta data
  • RSform for the contact forms
  •  Modeasy adsense for the Google ad units
  • Many other extensions

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