Ideal Author Heading Joomla Extension

A great way to improve your site reputation and SEO is to highlight your authors.  Especially now that Google is displaying authors in the search result pages.

Steven Johnson
by | Posted: April 3, 2012 | Updated: April 1, 2014
Blog Post Image

I have looked for a Joomla extension or plugin that would allow me to add the rel=author tag as well as a link to the Google plus profile.  I was not able to find anything that looked good. 

There were several that were a couple that were close and several forum posts about how modify Joomla templates.  Modifying the Joomla templates could work but I worry about future upgrades and compatibility issues.

The Author Block would appear at the top of the content area and could have a look similar to the cnet author block:

cnet author header image

Desired Features

  • Author name links to external website (Most Likely Google Plus Profile
  • Author name link contains rel=author (to make google happy)
  • Author image can be pulled from Google Plus or other image location
  • Ability to add Authors other social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Youtube, Linked in, etc...)
  • The layout is fully customizable using a template, that the webmaster can style
  • Author can include a few short sentences if they like
  • Publish date is displayed
  • Category can be optionally displayed
  • Webmaster can select which categories or pages the Author block is displayed on

Advanced features could include

  • ability to display the info at the top or bottom of the page
  • Abilitiy to display limited info at the top of the page with a full author bio at the bottom of the page.


Similar Pages

How other blogs display author information

Here is a great post outlining the importance of linking your content with your Google Plus Profile:

If you found this helpful I would appreciate you adding me to your Google Plus Circles!

Steven Johnson Google Plus

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