History of Joomla

As you know we are huge fans and experts in Joomla. We thought we would put together a post all about Joomla and how the project came to be.

Steven Johnson
by | Posted: January 13, 2014 | Updated: April 1, 2014
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Quick Timeline of Joomla Events.


Before there was Joomla there was Mambo

  • Miro released mambo in 2001
  • Miro wanted to a commercial product, many of the contributors wanted a free open source project
  • Miro wanted to take more control of the project so many of the of the team left to start Joomla
  • Mambo was forked to create Joomla on August 17, 2005
  • Andrew Eddie and the others were able to take 100% of the Mambo code since it was GPL


Then Came Joomla 1.0

  • Released September 22, 2005
  • Joomla 1.0 was basically Mambo 4.5.2 with a few extras
  • It took less than 1 year for Joomla to eclipse the size of Mambo


Then Joomla 1.5

  • Released January 22, 2008
  • Joomla 1.5 was the first big rewrite to the software


Then Joomla 1.6

  • Released January 10, 2011
  • Next Major Release
  • Added Access Control Lists
  • Got rid of Sections / Categories / Articles and went to only Categories / Arcticles
  • Big improvements in the Admin Interface


Then Joomla 2.5

  • Released January 24, 2012
  • Next Major Release
  • Ofter referred to as the Joomla 2 branch
  • Automatic Extension update notification
  • Improved core search functionality
  • Added database support for databases other than MySQL

Then Joomla 3.0

  • Released September 27, 2012
  • Next Major Release
  • Responsive by Default (First Major CMS to acheive this)
  • Twitter Bootstrap integration
  • Big overhaul of admin interface to improve usability
  • PostgreSQL support


Anyone think this numbering system is sort of crazy? Well lets talk about it.


Joomla Versions

Easy Explanation


Steve Burge at OS Training created a great post about understanding the Joomla versions.


I figure it is easier and better to link to his post thant recreate an already great post.

Interesting Note Drupal is going to a short term and long term release system



Long Explanation


You may notice the versions of Joomla start out ast Joomla 1.0, that makes sense. Then it jumps to Joomla 1.5, okay I can go with that. 

Next comes Joomla 1.6 which sounds like a small increase in fucntionality, when in reality Joomla 1.6 has quite a bit of more functionality than 1.5.

Then next big release is Joomla 2.5, whoah what happened to Joomla 2.0, 2.1, 2.2. well between 1.6, 1,7, 1.8 and 2.5. The core team adopted a different release strategy. 

This release strategy is to create serveral short term releases then create a long term release. 

The short term releases introduce new functionality bug fixes and changes. They also are only supported for six months from release date. 

The long term releases will end in .5.x and should only have bug fixes. these releases will be supported for 2 years from release date.



Other Joomla Resources

Joomla at wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joomla 

Interview with Andrew Eddie: 




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