2014 Atlanta Joomla User Group Schedule

This year the Atlanta Joomla User Group will be a bit more organized. The meeting topics for the year will be published so everyone will know what topics are coming up and can see what interests them.

Steven Johnson
by | Posted: March 31, 2014 | Updated: March 31, 2014
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Additionally each meeting will be divided into two topics. The first will be more general aimed at those new to Joomla the second will be more specific. People who know the basics of Joomla can learn all the ins and outs of a particular topic.

Interested in presenting? We would love to have you.


2014 Atlanta Joomla User Group Schedule

  • January 9: Install & Configure Joomla / Overview & History of Joomla
  • February 10: JCE Explained / Joomla Security
  • March 10: Joomla Templates & Templating / Joomla Hosting Options
  • April 14: Joomla for Business / Joomla SEO Best Practices and Extensions
  • May 12: Improving Joomla Performance / Joomla 3.5 Features and Migration Tips
  • June 9: Joomla for Blogging / Traffic Building Techniques
  • July 14: Joomla for Ecommerce / Analytics, Conversions & Optimization
  • August 11: Must Have Baseline Extensions / NoNumber Extensions in Detail
  • September 8: Joomla as a Social Network / Akeeba Extensions in Detail
  • October 13: Joomla as a Directory / TBD
  • November 10: TBD / TBD
  • December 8 : Dinner / Planning for 2015


Time and Location

Day and Time: 2nd Monday of the month from 7 to 9 pm

Location: Near Perimeter Mall

Full Details: http://www.meetup.com/atlantajoomla/


Meeting Details

January: Install & Configure Joomla / Overview & History of Joomla

Beginner: How to install and configure joomla for the first time.

This could be a walk through the Joomla Install process and many standard changes to the default Joomla configuration

Speaker: Brent Laminack

Specialized Topic: History of Joomla & All Joomla Online Resources

Start to the year with the history of Joomla and a guide to the joomla online resources

Speaker: Steven Johnson

Complete Details: http://www.meetup.com/atlantajoomla/events/154933332/ 


February: JCE Explained / Joomla Security

Intro Topic: Everything you wanted to know about JCE the best editor for Joomla. We will cover on the advanced features of the JCE Editor. Cant wait to learn about JCE? OS Training has a JCE Course

Speaker: Steve Burge

Specialized Topic:  It all starts with security, just ask Target. We will be covering great joomla security steps and procedures along with good joomla security extensions and the best way to perform a security audit.

Speaker: Brent Laminack

Complete Details: http://www.meetup.com/atlantajoomla/events/160170452/

March: Joomla Templates Explained / JCE in Detail

Intro Topic: We will cover Joomla Templates and Templating Concepts. Along with a Joomla template club overview and responsive template Concepts

Speaker: TBD


Specialized Topic: Hosting can be very easy when it goes right and a horrible experience when it goes wrong. We will disscuss self hosting vs using a hosting company. Talk through what to look for in a good hosting company and how to ensure you hosting company is doing a good job. 

Speaker: Steven Johnson


Complete Details: http://www.meetup.com/atlantajoomla/events/dvspmfysfbnb/


April: Joomla for Business / Joomla SEO

Beginner: Corporate Sites with Joomla, Articles / Categories / Menus best practices,

We will cover using joomla for a small business / corporate /  brochure type site

Speaker: TBD

Advanced: SEO Best Practices for Joomla
JoomlSEF Extensions / Meta Data Management / Link Building
Speaker: Steven Johnson

Complete Details: http://www.meetup.com/atlantajoomla/events/dvspmfysgbsb/

May: Improving Joomla Performance / Joomla 3.5 Details & Migrations

Beginner: Make Joomla Fast -- css / js compression, CDNs, other ways to speed up joomla

Speaker: TBD

Avanced: A presentation of new Joomla 3.5 features / when should you move/migrate to 3.5 could also cover Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.5 Migration methods

Speaker: TBD

Complete Details: http://www.meetup.com/atlantajoomla/events/dvspmfyshbqb/

June: Joomla for Blogging / Building Traffic Techniques

Beginner: cover K2 / Easyblog / Discuss comments and best Joomla blog practices


Advanced: Solid Techniques for building traffic / Content Marketing

This is not 100% Joomla but it could be a topic that many are interested, building the site is only half of the battle, the next challenge is to get visitors to your site.

Speaker: Steven Johnson

Complete Details: http://www.meetup.com/atlantajoomla/events/dvspmfysjbmb/

July: Joomla for Ecommerce / Content Optimization & Conversions

Beginner: Overview of the different shopping cart options strength weaknesses

Speaker: TBD

Advanced: Content Optimization & Conversions

Speaker: TBD

Complete Details: http://www.meetup.com/atlantajoomla/events/dvspmfyskbsb/


August: Must have Baseline Extensions / NoNumber Extensions in Detail

Beginner: Favorite or always used extensions (JCE, Akeeba, ETC) along with why they are used basic configuration and best practices

Speaker: TBD

Advanced: This could almost be an advertisement fo NoNumber except that he has so many extensions that are just too damn good. I bet in reviewing all of his extensions every learns at least one new super helpful thing to make their life easier.

Speaker: TBD

Complete Details: http://www.meetup.com/atlantajoomla/events/dvspmfyslbpb/


September: Joomla as a Social Network / Akeeba Extensions in Detail

Beginner . Social Networks with Joomla -- Covers Jomsocial and Community builder

Speaker: TBD

Advanced: Cover Advanced features of Admin Tools, Akeeba Backup and any other Akeeba Extensions

Speaker: TBD

Complete Details: http://www.meetup.com/atlantajoomla/events/dvspmfysmblb/

October: Joomla as a Directory / TBD

Beginner: Review sites and directories with Joomla -- JReviews / Sobi / another directory extension


Speaker: TBD

Complete Details: http://www.meetup.com/atlantajoomla/events/dvspmfysnbrb/

November: TBD / TBD


Speaker: TBD


Speaker: TBD

Complete Details: http://www.meetup.com/atlantajoomla/events/dvspmfyspbnb/


December: Dinner / Planning for 2015

Complete Details: http://www.meetup.com/atlantajoomla/events/dvspmfysqblb/


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