Why Modules in Conent is better than LoadPosition

Ever need to display the content of a module in an article? I have, and Joomla provides this functionality. Just add or what ever module position you want to display directly to your article.

Steven Johnson
by | Posted: March 24, 2009 | Updated: April 1, 2014
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The article now displays with the embedded module information. I have recently found a plugin that does an even better job: Modules in Content.

There are a few drawbacks to using the Joomla core loadpostion plugin. The module needs to be published, on the page and position it will be displayed on. If you have multiple items in that module position then all modules in that position will display. This requires extra planning and effort.

Modules in Content allows you to display individual modules no matter if they are published or not and does not matter what module position they are in. This is why the modules in content plugin is so great.

Modules in Content is being used on the Joomla Hosting Learning Center Page. Each one of the lists of articles are modules that are being published in the main content area.

Install the modules in content plugin, publish it then add where XX is the ID of your module. This difference in displaying the module in content will save you lots of time and give you much more control than the standard load position module.

Another great feature about modules in Content is that it is free.  If you find the plugin helpful be sure to donate back to the developer to thank him for his efforts. Note this plugin is only available for Joomla 1.5.

Modules in Content links

Have you used this plugin before? Any other great similar solutions?

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