Our Favorite Joomla Form Extension

Following in the theme of our favorite Joomla extensions is RSForm Pro from RSJoomla. RSForm is a form creation component that will fit almost any set of requirements.

Steven Johnson
by | Posted: March 31, 2009 | Updated: April 1, 2014

We use RSForm Pro on both personal and client websites. In fact it is our default go to form extension.

RSForm Pro is our favorite because:

  • Easy to install
  • Easy to use with useful features
  • Great developer support
  • It WORKS!

We have found RSForm is the quickest and easiest way to get great looking forms up and collecting information. Typically we install RSForm for clients and they handle the day to day management. One very nice feature is the ability to log the form submissions to a database. On more than one occasion a clients IT deparment changed mail server configurations and the form submissions were not delivered. RSform logs all submissions to a database. We were able to recover all undelivered submissions and made Intown Web Design the apple of our clients eyes.

There is a cost associated with the extension but when you consider what your time is worth RSForm is a good use of resources.

RSJoomla offers 2 form components RS Form! and RS Form! Pro.  We always go with the Pro version it is a little more expensive but the extra features make it worth it.

If you are looking for a good form extension for Joomla, it is definately worth giving RSForm Pro a try. What are your experiences with RSForm? What form component do you use?

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