Importance of Great Domain Names

The domain name has more to do with the success of a site than you would initially think. When you are searching for information, do you ever look

Steven Johnson
by | Posted: July 15, 2009 | Updated: March 17, 2014
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When you are searching for information, do you ever look at the domain name?  I do, I am checking it for relevancy.   If the site is  This name has much more creditability than or some variation. 

When the domain name is an exact match I feel that there is a good chance I am in the right place.  When then name contains dashes or is a .biz, .info, or one of the less popular domains I feel there is a good chance the site might not contain the best information.

I found a good article the other day.  not a whole lot of new information but it is a thorough and complete article about the value of domain names.

One the most interesting parts is at the end, they mention a guy named Frank Shilling and have a link to his blog.
Some  good and interesting info about domains there.  Worth reading.

What are you thoughts on domain names?

How good does the domain name need to be for your next project?

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